

All of us,  when we do something we love, we try to do it in the best way! For this reason, Fines3 uses all possible means to create the best windows, develop innovative  installation systems, collaborate with the best efficient designers and distribute great products from European partners!

For our company the perfection of a window means the integration thereof in the architectural style of the building, guaranteeing the long time duration and in particular secure, certifying the thermal and noise isolation. Can we call this passion?

All of us,  when we do something we love, we try to do it in the best way! For this reason, Fines3 uses all possible means to create the best windows, develop innovative  installation systems, collaborate with the best efficient designers and distribute great products from European partners! For our company the perfection of a window means the integration thereof in the architectural style of the building, guaranteeing the long time duration and in particular secure, certifying the thermal and noise isolation. Can we call this passion?
Fines3 Srl

VAT: 02604120986

Via San Martino, 71 25047 DARFO B.T. (BS)
+39 0364.535391
+39 0364.526868